Benefits of Designing with SquareSpace

Building a site with Square Space

So you’ve probably heard about SquareSpace?

SquareSpace provides software for website building and hosting.  Customers use pre-built website templates and drag and drop functionality to create websites.

Design with CMS
Design with CMS

SquareSpace allows the user to create a variety of different sites including a range of e-commerce sites and has built in elements to make this possible for those with no knowledge of, or desire to code. SquareSpace charges a monthly fee to use their software and host their websites, and the costs vary, depending on what features you want your website to incorporate. SquareSpace’s current prices can be found here.

If it’s the best option for the client, Adbeyo WebDesign will build the client’s website using SquareSpace. We think it’s a great product, and the best website building software out there. Below we’ve listed 6 reasons why we like SquareSpace so much and why we build sites for our clients using it.

Some Benefits of SquareSpace

  1. It’s Easy to Use

    That’s the no. 1 selling point for SquareSpace. They advertise that you can make great websites without knowing how to code. And it’s true. Just by dragging and dropping, and selecting certain templates, it’s fairly easy to create and update and existing site. It might take a bit of time to get used to the layout and functions, but once you do, it’s quite easy to use.

  2. It has Lots of Stock Pictures you Can Use

    SquareSpace has access to a lot of good licence free photos, so it means there’s a lot of fairly good stock photos at your disposal to get your site looking professional.

  3. Wide Range of E-commerce and Marketing Options

    Small businesses (without a tech department) are part of SquareSpace’s target market so they provide lots of e-commerce and sales options and configurations for you to add to your website. The more add-ons, generally the more expensive your hosting costs will be, but that’s pretty standard.

  4. Excellent Support

    With almost 2 million sites using SquareSpace, it’s not difficult to find support forums or groups if you run into problems. And with SquareSpace being a monthly subscription service, they have a dedicated customer support whose interests it’s in to keep you happy and in control of your site.

  5. Built in SEO features

    Once you’ve built your site you want to make sure people can find it, right? SquareSpace helps you do this through providing a number of Search Engine Optimisation tools to help your site get picked up by Google and other search engines.

  6. Monthly Payment Options

    SquareSpace charges you on a monthly basis, not annually ( as is the case with more traditional website hosting companies). Although the overall annual cost doesn’t work out cheaper, it at least means that if your business isn’t working out, or your SquareSpace website isn’t right for your business, you’re not tied down to a long contract and can cancel hassle free.
The kind of stock image you can get with every SquareSpace package….

What’s not so great…

So overall, it’s a good option for customers who either want to build the site themselves and don’t have much coding experience, or for a company that wants their site built by a web designer but wants to be able to update it themselves at a later date.

But some of the negatives with Squarespace are that it generally costs more than ‘traditional’ hosting packages. You’re looking at hosting costs of twice, or even more than twice, the cost of hosting with a standard web-hosting company. Also, you need to pay extra for business email addresses, which are set up through Google. It’s not cheap, an extra £10 or £15 a month just for business email addresses.

Also, as it’s template driven with drag and drop functionality, there are more restrictions regarding what you can and can’t do. So if you’re wanting some non standard functionality on your website, it’s going to be more difficult to get that achieved with a SquareSpace website.

So if you like the idea of having a website that’s pretty easy to update after a web-designer has built it, but perhaps don’t have the will or time to design it yourself, then SquareSpace is a pretty good way to go.

If that’s a route you decide to go down, get in touch with us at Adbeyo WebDesign Services in Glasgow, and we’ll help you on your journey…